• Trade and Industry emphasizes the importance of setting mandatory energy cards on new cars


    In a workshop hosted by the East Chamber yesterday
    "Trade and Industry" emphasizes the importance of setting mandatory energy cards on new cars

    The department of Trade andIndustryconfirmed that theenergyefficiency ofcarscardmode,willcontribute toenergy conservation,andwill putthe consumerin front ofthe fact thatconsumptionof fueland thus improvefueleconomyin cars..pointing outthat thelabelingismandatory,underthe ministerial decree, which was implementedin two phasesstarted fromAugust oflast year,followed bythe second phasein January.
    MohamedIbrahimSaidAboutthe Saudi programfor energy efficiencyin theintroductory workshopcardhosted bythe EastChamberthe morning ofSunday, February 15, 2015thatthe cardprepared by theSaudi Center forEnergy EfficiencyKingAbdulaziz Cityfor Science and Technologyin cooperation withthe Saudi Organization forStandardization and Metrology,where heexplainsto the consumerover theenergy consumptionfor eachmodelof vehicle,where thefueleconomyvaluesclassified intosix levels(excellent,very good, good,average,bad,very bad),and carrythe cardat the top ofthe newvehiclesseveralinformation, including the(car type,year of manufacture,enginecapacity,fueltype,economyfuel(numberof kilometers/liter).
    He addedthatthe goals ofthis cardis to improvefueleconomyinvehiclespick-ups, as thetransport sectoraccounted for, including25%ofKingdomconsumptionofprimary energy,has beenrequiringmanufacturersto submitfueleconomyreportsfrom November2013,the introduction ofcardforfuel economyin thetransport vehicleslightand approved by theSaudi Standards, Metrology and Qualityand appliedas oflast August,anddetermine thefuel economy standardfor newvehiclesto raisethe energy efficiency oflighttransportabout 4%a year,andset the standardfueleconomyof vehiclesusedcontainedto thekingdom andits applicationin conjunctionwith the application ofthe standardfueleconomyof vehiclesnew.
    Coordinating has beenwitha number ofgovernment agenciesto implementthe application ofthis campaign,including the Ministry ofCommerce, Industry andCustoms AuthorityofSaudi Arabiato attendthe workshop.

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